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Who Is Your Favorite Writer?

I am a self-published storyteller, not under contract by a major publishing house and have sold a very limited amount of books. In the literary world I am insignificant. That is the truth, but that truth doesn’t change the reality that I am a storyteller.

Storytelling is my passion and drive.

Storytelling is my love and lust.

Storytelling is my wife and mistress.

I am influenced by both Hemingway and Poe, but my favorite writers are Joe Leonardi and Scono Sciuto. I am of the strong opinion that – if you paint, you should be your favorite painter. If you create music , you should be your favorite musician.

I am on a handful of author and writer pages on Facebook, Scono Sciuoto is on quite a bit more. These pages are akin to the organizations Hemingway mentioned in the above quote. Writing is a lonely endeavor. It is us and a keyboard, typewriter or blank sheet of paper and our thoughts. Social Media has given a way for writers to connect, however I wonder if potential harm outweighs potential good. One of the reasons I tend to either shy away, or not comment much, is because of the inherent insecurity fostered on these pages. These pages act as enablers for the writer’s insecurities. Members ask questions not on style or technique, but seeking validation for their art. We are all insecure about our writings, that is normal. However, we should not seek the approval of others to pursue or passion.

When I write, I write to please and entertain one person, the person whose reflection I see in the mirror. I do desire others to enjoy and be entertained, but that is not the driving force. When I complete a story and ask others to read it, I never ask if they like the story – I ask if they think I told a good story.

My goal is not to write stories others will necessarily like, it is to tell that good story. I have read plenty of good stories that I did not like. The problem with many reviewers is that they are giving their opinion of what they like, not the quality of the story, and more importantly, not the value and understanding of the writer’s heart and soul.


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