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Forty Five Years Later – The Music Still Motivates

Soon after waking, I stepped out into the cold December air. Immediately I returned to the warmth of the indoors. I had NO desire to go out for a chilly jog, so I put on some Kauai Coffee Company coffee, fried up a couple of eggs and sat myself down to a hot breakfast.

Light rain drops began to fall, so a second cup of coffee was in order. I resigned myself to the fact that I may just end up being lazy today — but I didn’t want to be.

No Goddamit!

I couldn’t be!

I’ve come too far!

I called out to the always faithful “Alexa” and asked her to reach back 45 years and play a certain song. The horns blared those iconic first notes and soon I layered up the clothing and the door closed behind me. I put the song on repeat and a little more than an hour and a half later, I’d completed —

–a 3 mile jog averaging 14:30/mile , which for me is the best I’ve done since I’ve started running.

–a 1 mile walk to ease anxiety.

–10 skips with the 5 1/2 pound rope followed by 50 with the speed/heavy rope.

–then into the basement for a few sets of shoulders/biceps/triceps.

Thank you Mr. Bill Conti..


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