Day becomes night — despair
Night becomes day — dread
Stressed — always
Lied to — daily
Betrayal — constant
In relationships — yet forsaken
Crowds — still alone
Joy — gone
Happiness — forgotten
The present — misery
The future — hopeless
The past — tightly clung
Appreciated — not
Each day — only existing
Health — failing
Life — quagmire
The Trap — inescapable
Of the journey — fatigued
The destination — soon
The road ahead — thankfully shorter than the one behind
I write of the damaged and broken, because that is the norm. For each person who overcomes their demons, there are hundreds, if not thousands, who do not. It is their stories I tell.
“Who am I?”
I am an independent, self-published teller of tales, an author, as of yet, scarcely any renown. However, as a storyteller, I know who I am, and with that persona, I am both confident and comfortable.
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