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The Title Essay From The More Failure Than Success collection

From Never have so few words emoted so much raw power.... A collection of reflections about success, failure, wanting to quit, rebounding and moving on.

From the author. "Anyone who knows me, has seen me go through some ups and downs the last couple of years. I wrote this short collection of reflections to help myself stay positive, be grateful and enjoy life. In helping myself, I hope to help others as well." --------------------------------- As a boy, everything I began I quit. As a man, once commenced, I never ceased. Often, to my detriment, I battled to no longer be called “quitter

The result was the same — more failure than success.

I turned my back on my calling. I followed the path of others. Education, career, marriage.

The result was the same — more failure than success.

I have stumbled and fallen. Most times, the fault was mine. Oftentimes, it was not.

The result was the same — more failure than success.

I was ill, I fought to live, what was stealing my health finally was uncovered. My friend, the doctor, who found the cause asked, “Joseph, why aren’t you dead?” He prescribed the cure, my life he saved; yet now, my livelihood — nearly gone.

The result was the same — more failure than success.

I lacked neither confidence nor false humility. I believed in no one as I had believed in me. Yet, I have known when to ask for help, and when to give it freely.

The result was the same — more failure than success.

I have despised my failings of mind, body and spirit. I had conquered my weaknesses of the same. I was fit, healthy and strong; only to once again falter.

The result was the same — more failure than success.

I have carried chips on my shoulders that equaled the weight of the world. I have hated more than I have loved. I had released my resentment, anger and self-pity. Only to have each return with a god’s vengeance.

The result was the same — more failure than success.

When Atlas shrugged, the world nearly collapsed. If he were to ultimately give way, what would happen? If I were to simply breakdown, what would occur?

Would the result be the same — more failure than success?

A few parts of a potion so I could sleep until I rose. A larger dose, much more potent, then I could sleep and never wake. Would I have the courage, or lack thereof?

Either way; would the result be the same — more failure than success?

Yet, each morning I rise, thankful for the first waking breath. I continue to strive, headlong and headstrong. I endure onward, driven by the optimism of a new day.


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