After posting an excerpt form my first novel, “One Day I Was,” on another blog, a few of my readers expressed and interest in the the story. Some of those same readers are enrolled in the kindle unlimited program and asked if I could make the story available.
After a couple of clicks on my bookshelf, One Day I Was is now available to readers enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited program.
I just went back and re-read it. I wrote One Day I Was nearly ten years ago. Reading it again brought back memories of just how much I enjoyed writing it and how much I care for the characters I created, especially the Dominique character.
My style is a bit different than the novelettes and novellas I have recently written, and my current life experiences may have impacted some of the themes, yet, outside of a few edits for tense and punctuation, I wouldn’t change it one bit. I am proud of the story and the characters I crafted. I invite you to click, or copy and post this link.
I hope you download your copy, enjoy it, and if you could be so kind — leave a review.
One decision still kind of gets to me. I liked two different covers, I used one for the Paper Back version and a different for the E-Book version. I still can’t decide which I like better.