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Jim Parsons - The Big Bang Slayer

Twelve years ago, Jim Parsons became an overnight success. That night was many years long, but through perseverance, hardwork and dedication, he made it to the top of his chosen profession. As a creative person who did not have his courage, I applaud him. I have been writing since I was a child, however, I never had the guts to try and make a career in the creative arts. It is a regret I have to this day, and one of the reasons I have been writing so much at this stage of my life. My admiration for Mr. Parson's, and others who not only took, but stayed on the difficult path least traveled, makes what I am about to write a bit difficult.

The Big Bang Theory is coming to an end this season. It is not ending because of failing ratings or a studio unwilling to put forth the cash - no, it is ending because of one person's decision. It has been widely reported that the primary cast members were not only willing, but wanted to go on, but Jim Parsons said enough. With that proclamation, the show ends, and many will soon be out of work.

Much has been made about the high salaries of the stars and how the originals lopped one hundred thousand dollars an episode off of their paychecks so the later arrivals could enter the ten million dollar a year club. And while and admirable action, it seems that Jim Parsons has forgotten about all of the other people who don't earn that one hundred thousand dollars in a single year. Those individuals, who now solely because of his decision, will be out of work. I guess if you aren't in front of the camera, your earnings and ability to feed and provide for your family do not concern Jim Parsons.

The question needs to be asked - Do these high earners have an obligation to those who rely on them for their income?

I would say yes.

When I was ill, and couldn't be at my business, I made every effort to keep my employees paid - even at a great cost to my personal financial well being. Some say I wasn't too smart. But I knew that the success I had enjoyed up to that point was not solely the result of my effort. There were others who worked just as hard and gave just as much of themselves to make my business a success. My decision did cost me greatly, but I sleep well at night because the loyalty that was so earnestly given to me was not ignored.

It would seem that Jim Parsons has forgotten about the "little people" that helped him climb the ladder to television superstardom, power, influence and great financial wealth. I wonder, of those folks, how many may end up out of their houses in the city with the largest homeless population in the country?

How many of the newly unemployed will suffer?

How many of those no longer working will be damaged?

How many who gave so much, and were tossed aside because of one person, may eventually become broken?

I wonder if Jim Parsons, with his belly full, safe and secure, sleeps well in one of his luxury homes. I wonder if Jim Parsons gives a second thought to those impacted by his decisions. I wonder if Jim Parsons even gives a damn.


“Who am I?”

I am an independent, self-published teller of tales. I am an author of scarcely any renown. However, as a storyteller, I know who I am, and with that persona, I am both confident and comfortable.

I invite you to visit my website, and/or Amazon Author Page, if you are so inclined please purchase a copy and leave a review.

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