.....doesn't mean you didn't write a good story!

On the author pages I belong to on social media, I see comments from authors distraught that someone gave their writing a negative review. In a profound way, when I read these comments, it pains me.
When someone reviews a story, the odds are their review does not take into account the blood, sweat and tears the author put into crafting their story.
When someone reviews a story, the odds are their review does not take into account what drove the author to tell their story.
When someone reviews a story, the odds are their review does not take into account that the author has a great deal of pride in the story which they told.
When someone reviews a story , the odds are their review does not take into account that the author is a person with feelings and emotions.
When someone reviews a story, the odds are their review does not take

into account the author is a person who may have taken strong inner grief, joy, anguish, love, or betrayal and put those
gut wrenching emotions into a story to share with others.
When someone reviews your book, the odds are their review does not take into account that the author is baring their very soul to the world to see.
When someone reviews a story, the odds are their review does not take into account that the author bleeds from their very soul to tell their story.
When someone reviews a story, the odds are their review does not take into account that most authors do not write for fame, glory or riches - but simply because the author needs to write.