Within Believe There Is Only A Lie

Perhaps one of the biggest cons in life is believing in the future.

We attend school, for the future.

We save money, for the future.

We work hard, for the future.

So focused on preparing for the future, we forge chains that will not hold us in death, but hold us in life. We become prisoners, trapped in a cage of decision based upon believing a lie. We are unable to find the keys to freedom because we are looking past the spot they are located. Because we believe the lie that the best is yet to come.

Time and life are not linear. They exist only in the present. We remember the past, but we can not travel back to it. We look to the future, but we can not travel forward to it. We live and exist in the now, the now which has no measure. Time is a man-made concept. A fraud which shackles us from enjoying the one true thing we have – a moment.

Many don’t live the moment. Many escape to the past because the present is perceived as dark and the future as an empty void.


Because we are sold on the falsehood to believe. Be-lie-ve is just a lie hidden among other letters.